PixARK Now Available on Steam Early Access and Xbox Game Preview

PixARK early access news

Snail Games announced today that their open-world voxel-based survival sandbox PixARK is now on both Steam Early Access and Xbox Games Preview. Available for for 24.99 during this program, it will also be on sale on Steam for 20% off (19.99). It will be available for retail/digital distribution for PC, Xbox One/Xbox One X, Playstation 4, and the Nintendo Switch later in 2018, but only Xbox One and Steam get early access to it.

It will feature single player/online multiplayer (Xbox will receive multiplayer in approximately two weeks, available now on Steam). Collecting items, building bases, and will also have over 100 dinosaurs and various creatures to tame, ride, and train. Procedurally generated worlds await, as well as a Creative Mode that lets players construct whatever they desire with eight unique biomes. In addition, a procedurally generated quest system allows players to stay actively engaged in their worlds.


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