Rend Reveals First Alpha Roadmap Feature – Control Points

Rend - Capture Points

The first feature in the Alpha Roadmap for Rend was revealed to be “Control Points”, which are a set of nine ancient relics that can be captured by a faction. These give a tactical advantage and grant rewards that can truly sway the balance of power one way or another.  From experience points, faction reputation, and loot when they’re captured, these are invaluable for any faction that wants to assert dominance in Rend. Owning them can be the difference between victory and failure, and today’s blog post from the Rend team describes them in greater detail. Commanding these points a key strategy, and one thing they suggest is once you hold a neutral Control Point, you can build around it to make the defense an easier task.  You can also recapture enemy-owned Control Points to gain rewards based on how long it has been owned. These should add a bit of challenge and strategy to Rend as it moves forward.

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