Happinet confirmed yesterday that after 20 years, Brigadine will be returning with Brigadine: The Legend of Runersia, exclusively on the Nintendo Switch. Scheduled for a 2020 Spring release, the turn-based strategy series will be brought to life by Scenario Writer Kenji Terada (Batman: Dark Tomorrow, Final Fantasy I-III), and Art/Character Designer Raita Kazama (Puzzle & Dragons, Xenoblade Chronicles). The game will also feature the return of Tenpei Saito to the franchise (Brigadine: Grand Edition, Disgaea 1-5).
Six countries across the continent of Runersia will be waging war under one nation. Players will decide how their legend unfolds, by selecting a country and creating their army of Rune Knights. There will be over 40 base locations and over 100 unique knights, as well as 50 types of monsters, as they explore this world.