R8 Games revealed some new upcoming content for their upcoming anti-grav combat racer, Pacer – the previously unreleased track “Sonashahar”. Sonashahar’s circuit is set in India, and showcases some truly stunning visuals, and runs at 60fps across all formats, and in on 4K on PC/PS4 Pro/Xbox One X. Sonashahar will also be playable in both day and night (like all other tracks in the game), and the night setting highlights some beautiful neon lights. This track alone offers eight different versions to play, right away.
“It’s been amazing taking this latest build of Pacer out to Los Angeles for E3 in the run up to release, and today’s stream on Twitch was something of a personal highlight for me,” says Steve Iles, Senior Producer at R8 Games. “E3 is a fitting place both to unleash Sonashahar upon the world, and kick start the pre-order process for those gamers eager to take to the track come launch.”
The Twitch stream and the Sonashahar unveiling also fired the starting pistol on the pre-order process. PC players can place their Pacer pre-order on Steam immediately at PacerGame.com to secure an exclusive in-game item ahead of the game’s launch this winter. Pacer will feature 14 tracks and five customizable craft at launch.