Conversation Between farag0n and Fieryfly

95 Visitor Messages

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  1. No problemo so who is this sephiroth anyway ?
  2. Yeah, in Holland you (most of the time) only get from that filty wet snow, if there is snow at all... Not even ice, or maybe a little. Sooo depressing...
  3. No problemos. Finland is a nice place to visit. But! It gets to its full glory at the heart of winter.
  4. Finland (were is that? No I know ) that is so cool, I have always wanted to go there but we always end up in France or Italy... But it was very encouraging thanx :P
  5. "Yes I have an ally

    I'm from Holland so English is not all nature for me, but I manage by using transilation sites and my imagination (sometimes I really have to look up words you people wrote ) strangly thou I never get good marks on English at school but well.. "

    ^ I couldn't help but see that one. Here's something to encourage you(if/whenever you need it): I'm from Finland(Where the hell is that? <-- I keep getting those questions all the time ) and my English grades are around 6 and 7. I think it's C or D.. somewhere, in america if I remember correctly. Yet with those grades my writing skills are at least average, I think. So grades tell nothing really.
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