Conversation Between farag0n and Fieryfly

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  1. Actually I never reacted on you message. >.<

    I figured that I also needed a reason for Kaori to leave the group she is currently with and go along with Alarei. She won't just leave them for nothing, they are her family. So I thought if Renshaw and Kaori meet, she will like recognize him, hit him or somthing for leaving her alone, but figure that it was her fathers wish that he protected her and thus she goes along with him and then they meet up with Alarei. Or something along those lines.


    Again your post was hilarious. Oh and love for random things! (Just to shout something random.)
  2. Scrubbing your nails is extremely important for a very sensitive man like me! .. Pfft . Well anyway, I was just being lazy .

    I was feeling kinda random that day now that you mention it.. . I have no clue what it was.. Midnight lunch or somethin' .

    Hmm.. good question there. I'm pretty puzzled already as to how I'm going to get into Cyre in the first place. Renshaw is after all famous and his face is plastered in multiple wanted posters . Everyone is after his head for the gold. I mean, what possible reason could he have to show his face in Cyre?
    Once the map is up it will be easier for me to determine where I'll be coming to shore (most likely near Cyre). Yeah it's easy to picture Kaori to be angry to Renshaw. If Kaori finds a reason to join Alarei then it's easy for Renshaw and Kaori to meet up and join forces. The two can settle their differences during the journey in Alarei's group.. Sound good?
  3. Well sleeping and eating are both very important things to do as well as waking up. The scrubbing nails part maybe a bit less important, but hè who am I to judge

    Who finishes pasta at 1: 30?! And you call me random... At least you had a tablemate for dinner (or was it maybe a midnight snack?)

    Anyway I have another question for you. Where are you coming to shore when the RP starts. I need to know for Kaori has to be there, or closeby so that we can meet. I still haven't quite figured out why Kaori should join Renshaw. I mean she thinks he abandoned her for nothing. She was eleven she how could she know. Or maybe since we will be following Alerei (was that his name?) afterall I don't need to actually join you in the beginning. Or maybe I should and we could sail together to Cyre.

    So many possibilities...
  4. I did post! Once.. . It's not bad! It's uhh.. because I was lacking available resources. (Clever way of saying that I'm just being lazy )

    I got plenty of reasons . Like sleeping, eating, waking up, brushing my teeth, scrubbing my nails.. Yeah. Ha! Funny it is .
    How old was he? Yeah 25 is just fine.

    I sure can! It was one of the more bizarre events that have happened to me . I was finished around 01 : 30 at night and was just about to start eating when my roommate woke up to the smell the pasta created . "What the hell are you doing man?". That was the first thing he said . I just told him that I was going to eat some pasta.
    He just laughed and started eating with me
  5. Yeah post to naruto!!

    I thought that I would have missed like 10 pages when I came back, but you didn't even post more than once! That bad Fara, very baaaaaad.

    Nah just kiddin'. Obviously you would have your reasons. I'm typing as a crazy to finish Kaori now. I love your CS! It is so funny and Kaori is nicely put into it. Btw how old was Renshaw when he saved Kaori for I need to base my age on that. I thought if he was 25 and I would have been 11, than it would fit quite nicely, wouldn't it?

    I am random The brownies were nice though, I hope your pasta was too (if you can still remember it)
  6. Mwah mwah . Remember that Anglo is only going to release the RP at that point . It's probably gonna take a week before it hits off just like ToA.

    Yeah, sure . Mud Jutsus.. gotcha. Don't you worry, Shiro's in good hands .

    Wow, you so random Fiery . Hell, I'll start cooking tonight. Perhaps some pasta with.. meatball sauce! Aw yeah.
  7. End of February is not good! I repeat not good! EVerything what I have to do, like presenting my paper, presenting something about two paintings I had to observe, my final presentation for music and more they all are end February, start March! Where will I find the time to roleplay.

    Talking about RPing, could you perhaps take over Shiro while I'm away for holiday.:3 I don't want him left behind just because of the fact I'm not here. He isn't really hard to RP. Just this observant guy who likes to joke around. He uses Mud Jutsu's often. Mud clones, Mud wolves etc etc. Pretty Please :3

    Hiking boots will do Now I'm off to make brownies (yes it is nine o'clock in the evening and I'm making brownies, just because )
  8. Yeah it shouldn't be long till it launches . I recall it was somewhere in the end of February which is only two weeks away . SKIIIIIIING! I'm gonna go hump a tree! NO, just kiddin' . Have fun .

    Rawr . Tsuna's a nice little cookie with.. CHOCOLATE DROPS! Cool! Sounds better and better .

    ARGH! You're getting graduated this year? DAYUM. Gotta take my hiking boots with me, I'm crossing over a few mountains to speed the journey .
  9. Not long?! Aah now I really get to work on Kaori more. But, but, but I'm going on a holiday this friday. SKIING!!!!

    Tsuna is a cookie too. Just because :P Oeeh I like that. Shiro can teas Tsuna all the time and joke around with him And of course learn him sercet hidden ANBU skills that I haven't figured out yet. Actually the ANBU are pretty underrated in Naruto. I can't find any jutsu that is specific ANBU...

    ARG You right! But well that we just need to go to a museum in Holland. If you want to blow up my school you'd better hurry for otherwise I'll be gratuated before you even arrive. Hmhm teleportation should save me two times 45 minutes each day. I'm in favor!
  10. Heard that! I mean 50 messages? It would be fine if sent messages and received messages took their own space, not like now how they are combined. Gotcha, not long till Ego Draconis launches!!

    Brookie? Ha! At first I read that like this: "Tsuna is a cookie, as we call that in Dutch". Yeah, he is a young one . Ha! If the RP goes long enough, Shiro could become Tsuna's sensei . I'm seriously sensing this student & master thing going on here.

    Wow, thanks for that link! That'll be helpful .
    Ha! Nope, I haven't . OR If I have, I really don't remember. WAIT WAIT! But I'm coming over there to blow up your school again! If you leave now, you'll be in Finland when I arrive in Holland! Man, those scientists should invent teleportation.
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