Review: Windslayer Relies on PVP


Wind Slayer is a side scrolling 2d MMORPG that shares many of the same features as LaTale and Maple Story. Although the game is good and has much to offer, it was often dismissed as a carbon copy of other 2D side-scrollers. That, by the way, is not a valid claim as it is the same as hating a certain game for belonging in a certain Genre. It really can't be a side-scroller if it doesn't walk on a side scrolling screen right? Anyway, the game is pretty amazing and is far from being the random clone I've heard about.

Wind Slayer: Tournament and more!

ARTICLE PvP Team Slayer Tournament: It's time to start perfecting those PvP strats because a team slayer tournament has arrived in WindSlayer.

Wind Slayer Review: Great PvP Sidescroller

REVIEW All combat talk aside, Wind Slayer is a very popular game in its foreign counterparts, and seems to lack its fame here in North America. Thanks to Outspark, things are starting to change.