Preview: World of Warcraft Cataclysm – Deepholm Sweet Home


Do you remember when World of Warcraft was released? I do. I had been playing RuneScape for a couple of years and was pretty content with chopping trees and making bread. In fact, I thought RuneScape was the best thing since sliced bread. Around the time Warcraft hit shelves something strange began to happen to my little browser game. My co-players slowly began to appear less and less. My friends list became derelict in just a few weeks and I was left to kill Lesser Demons alone. Why? They had all moved onto what would become the biggest game in the world. World of Warcraft had begun its uprising. Five years and two expansion packs later, it has left most other MMORPGs bruised, battered and beaten. And my friends list is still just as empty.

Cataclysm Launch Date Confirmed


Blizzard Entertainment announced that World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, the third expansion for the world's most popular subscription-based MMO, will be released starting on December 7, 2010. The expansion will be available on DVD-ROM for Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7 and Macintosh and will also be offered as a digital download from the Blizzard Store. A special Collector's Edition packed with bonus items will be available exclusively in retail stores.

Do you have 88 Million Dollars? Run a Private WoW Server!


If you have 88 Million Dollars lying around collecting dust you could use it to run an illegal World of Warcraft server. You may make a bit of money in the beginning but at some point you may need that 88 Million to pay off Blizzard!

Hey YOU! Stop Cybersexing (in WoW)!


Blizzard Community Manager "Arrestide" has announced that Blizzard will be keeping a much closer look at public chat channels in and surrounding Goldshire.

Blizzard Art Featured In Museum


Blizzard Entertainment will soon open an exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Taipei, Taiwan featuring 800 creative works from the Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo game series.