Elsword Drabaki Raid Boss Reveal

NEWS The most terrifying foe ever has appeared in Elsword. Team up with 11 other heroes as you journey into the heart of darkness to face Drabaki.

SMITE: New god ‘Ao Kuang’ Revealed

ARTICLE Hi-Rez Studios has just recently revealed their newest god for their god-based MOBA title: Regal and powerful, the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea commands storms and tides with the flick of a claw, an...

Guild Wars 2 to Launch Major Updates to PvP

ARTICLE ArenaNet, developer of the acclaimed Guild Wars franchise, today announced that it will be releasing  significant updates to player vs. player (PvP) mode in Guild Wars 2. The studio is adding and ove...

Heroes of Newerth Avatar Spotlight 3.5.10

NEWS The newest avatars to hit Heroes of Newerth include: Rune Weaver (Behemoth), Roulette (Tarot), Possessed Riftwalker, Skullcrusher War Beast Gold Edition, Mecha King, URSA Corps Gladiator, and Sand Wra...