Trials of Ascension Starts Finish Line Challenge

ARTICLE Forged Chaos is announcing the start of a “Finish Line Challenge” to help push fundraising for Trials of Ascension. ToA’s store will celebrate its four month anniversary on May 4th, ...

Games of Glory

NEWS Games of Glory is a MOBA-crossover, inspired by different video game genres. It borrows the fundamentals from MOBAs and integrates a faster action controls and flexibility in weapon choices from shoot...

Fall Schematic

NEWS Fall Schematic is a combination of a digital role playing game for mobile and a physical cooperative card game, which work together and synergize to offer a new gaming experience. Take part in a vibra...

Grey Goo

NEWS Grey Goo is a real time strategy game that aims to emphasis tactics over micro-management. Ally with one of three factions – the Beta, Humans, or Goo – and find yourself in the heart of wa...

Monkey King Online First Look

REVIEW By Jason Parker (Ragachak)   Client Plus Browser Equals Confusion Reality Squared Games (R2Games) is a company located in Hong Kong who publishes a series of games available via web browser, tran...