
NEWS Warfare is a free to play, browser-based strategy/simulation. Choose to specialize in Ground, Air, or Sea forces, overseeing their development, and working between four soldier types and three unit ty...

WildStar DevSpeak: Medic

NEWS Carbine Studios rolls out the offensive medium armor wearing Medic from hell in their latest WildStar DevSpeak.

Carbine Studios Reveals Engineer and Medic Classes

FEATURE By Michael Sagoe (Mikedot) After four weeks of re-reveals, DevSpeak videos, Livestream sessions and a whole lot of new gameplay footage, Carbine Studios is finally ready to pull the curtain on the fin...

Lucent Heart Closed Beta Key Giveaway

NEWS OnRPG has partnered with SubaGames to welcome back one of the greatest social MMORPGs, Lucent Heart, along with tons of new content including new end-game gear and level 70+ zones, player housing, and...