GoD Factory: Wingmen

NEWS GoD Factory: Wingmen is a fast paced, intensely tactical 4 vs 4 player space combat game, where the aim is to destroy the enemy’s 13km long Carrier before it wrecks yours; all under the relentle...

SWTOR: The F2P Updated Review

REVIEW by Jaime Skelton (MissyS)   When BioWare released Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (and its sequel), it made waves in the Star Wars universe. While previous Star Wars games had been action ...

Eldevin Pushes Major Update and Level Cap Increase

ARTICLE Hunted Cow Studios has upped the end-game of their dynamic world MMORPG, Eldevin, by upping the level cap to forty and with it much of the end-game content. In addition plenty of class rebalances, new...

All New Collaborative Event in The Secret World

ARTICLE Funcom’s The Secret World is offering its players a new chain of events called The Whispering Tide. In these events the whole community joins together to fight the Filth invasion in the holl...

World of Warplanes Release Date Changed

ARTICLE Wargaming, the leading free-to-play MMO developer and publisher, today announced that its highly anticipated flight combat action MMO World of Warplanes, is now planned to release on November 12 and 1...