Chroma Squad

  • Information

  • Developer:
    Behold Studio

  • Genres:
    2D Fantasy, Strategy

  • Category:

Chroma Squad is tactical role playing game and the ultimate love-letter to the Power Rangers and similar media. Take on the roles of 5 jumpsuit clad ex-stunt actors and create the greatest Saturday morning cartoon that there ever was, available for Windows, Mac, Linux, PS3, PS4, PSVita, Xbox 360, and the Xbox One.


Resourceful: Create props and terrifying enemies with cardboard.

STOP THERE FIEND: Engage in over-the-top tactical turn-based battles.

Homage: Soak in the beautifully drawn and animated pixel art with fitting chiptunes.

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Game Videos

Game Articles

  • CHROMA SQUAD is Coming

    A real conversation between me and my Boss, MissyS: MissyS: LinkedIn, ilu but I am not a UFX/Design artist. Where did you get that idea. Ragachak: WAIT...