
  • Information

  • Developer:

  • Genres:
    Sim, Shooter

  • Category:

Comanche is a 3D modern-military shooter featuring thrilling attack-helicopter piloting action. Though the US military succeeded in creating a deadly next-generation free-flying combat vehicle, the blueprints for said project was leaked and any organization in the world with enough cash could get their hands on one resulting in a completely new era of aerial warfare.

Business Model: Currently Unknown

Microtransactions: Currently Unknown

Key Features:

Two For the Price of One: Hot swap between maneuvering the mid-ranged focused RAH-66 and repelling close-quarters threats with the drone in breakneck-paced firefights.

Tweak Week: Compliment your personal playstyle by mixing and matching from a variety of customizable configurations altering the weapons, gadgets, and strategies at your disposal.

Protect or Destroy: Test your mettle against the best of best in 4v4 asymmetrical competitive multiplayer matches where you play as either an aggressive attacker or stalwart defender.

Social Media :


Game Videos

  • Comanche Release Trailer

    Pilots, Comanche is ready for take-off and exits early access with its 1.0 Update! Experience seven new Conflicts missions, more enemies, better multipl

  • Comanche Free Multiplayer Trailer

    Pilots, grab your friends and get on the helicopter! Comanche's Multiplayer is now available for FREE on Steam! Simply download the game on Steam, famil

  • Comanche – Early Access Release Trailer

    Comanche lifts-off today for a routine Early Access Launch on Steam. The Mission goals are: Generate fun among players Gather feedback Return to

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