DCL The Game

  • Information

  • Developer:
    Drone Champions AG

  • Genres:
    Sports, Sim, Racing

  • Category:

DCL The Game is a 3D competitive sports sim featuring realistic high-speed drone racing.

Business Model: Buy-to-Play

Microtransactions: No

Key Features:

Steel Bird Run: Race for the top times on official Drone Champions League tracks against rival pilots from around the globe.

Zero to Hero: It doesn't matter if you're completely new or a seasoned veteran, there's a little something for everyone. For example, beginners can start with more automated and simplified controls while more experienced pilots can even hook up a transmitter for the highest level of immersion.

This One's Just Right: Try your hand at piloting the light, standard, and heavy weight drone presets and discover the one that fits your playstyle best!

Social Media :


Game Videos

  • DCL – The Game Release Date Trailer

    Drone Champions League - The Game will release on February 18th, 2020 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One - and you can start your career as a professional

  • DCL The Game Gameplay Trailer

    Take a dive into the exciting world of competitive drone racing and experience everything the adrenaline-pumping sport has to offer!

Game Articles

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