Legend of Heroes, is a multi-player web game that combines resource management, strategy game-play with role-playing (RPG), a game that will draw players with its simplicity in playing and yet complex with variations. In the Legend of Heroes, the world is a medieval fantasy world, filled with mythical and legendary characters and creatures.
Being a web game, you do not need to download or install on your PC or Mac, you can simply play it anytime anywhere with a web browser and an internet connection, the ideal game for anyone on the go and prefers a slower pace MMORPG.
In Legend of Heroes, player recruits and leads general, called "hero", which in turn leads an army of warriors and creatures to explore, attack, defeat and conquer enemy castles and armies. The army is made of warrior, mercenaries and mythical creatures which are captured and tamed. Player must take on evil forces to resist their invasion. Sometime a single player's force is not sufficient to repel the evil forces, the need to form teams and guilds with other players become a key feature in this game. With the concerted effort of other players, only then can the evil forces be defeated.
The various game plays like resource construction and management, training of heroes, exploration of uncharted territories, mission instances, the BOSS warfare, equipment upgrades, etc provides a permutation of development path for all types of players.
So be the LEGEND in the mythical world of Legend of Heroes!