Paragon (Defunct)

Note: This game has been cancelled or shut down and is no longer available for play.
  • Information

  • Developer:

  • Genres:
    MOBA, Free To Play

  • Category:

Paragon was a third person MOBA shooter developed by Epic Games for PC and PlayStation 4. The game  shut down April 26, 2018.

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Game Videos

  • Paragon – Zinx Overview

    The latest ranged character to come to Paragon is Zinx. But what do they do? This video will fill you in. #every3weeks

  • Paragon – Zinx Announce

    Paragon's latest ranged hero is Zinx; absorb damage and dish it right back out. #every3weeks

  • Paragon – Wraith Overview (Available June 27)

    Tomorrow, Wraith joins the Paragon cast of characters! But what exactly can he do? Check this video to find out! Patch notes can be found here.

Game Articles