RWBY Grimm Eclipse is a co-op action game created by Rooster Teeth Games. Based on the popular web series, players can experience the hit anime show for themselves as they battle across familiar locations as well as new areas never before seen. Play as Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang in this character-driven adventure that explores new storylines, new Grimm types, as well as a new villain.
Battle alone or with friends: Enjoy a single-player story mode or a 4-player co-op mode with online support
New Storyline: Experience an exclusive storyline with new locations, enemies, and a new villain never before seen in the show
Team RWBY: Play as Ruby, Weiss, Blake, or Yang, each with their own unlockable abilities and upgrades.
Full voice overs and more: Enjoy full voiceovers from the original cast of the show, as well as new voice talent, as well as challenges, unlocks, and achievements