Vindictus Episode 4 is now live! New Dungeons, New Level Cap!


Two exciting new dungeons are now available in Nexon America's physics-based action MMORPG, Vindictus. The two new high level dungeons, Prairie Entrance and Ruins of Sanctity, open up a world filled with a new vicious clan of Gnolls, deadly spiders and evil toads, as well as a slew of cunning new boss monsters to defeat.


Vindictus Review: Painfully Awesome


Vindictus, Nexon's newest action title, is here and in full swing, and unlike Nexon's current lineup, this one plans to be the most painful MMO you'll ever play.  This isn't your little cousin's MMO with cute monsters and such. Vindictus contains destructive beasts; deadly environments and balls-to-the-wall action that will make you squirm with joy.

Vindictus open beta introduces new episode, vampires, goblins, and rewards


Nexon America has announced that the Vindictus Open Beta has officially started, giving all players in North America access to the third episode of the game and mobs of vampire and goblin monsters to vanquish. Vindictus is a physics-based action online role-playing game that combines stunning visuals with high-speed combat and uses a modified Source Engine.

Vindictus’ Campfires Keep You Warm


Vindictus campfires keep players warm and healthy, while boosting attacks and defenses. Hoarfrost Hollow in Vindictus chills players to the bone as they complete one of the first missions, but can find warming relief and support through the campfire feature found in the game.