Catered to the young at heart, Xen Online is an anime-inspired, socially-oriented Free to Play Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) and a reinvented game provided by Mayngames.
As explorers and emissaries of love, players seeking adventure in the continent of Xen will:
Meet friends from diverse cultures, to socialize, to accessorize and to spread the ideology of love in the mystical world of Xen!
Hunt monsters with friends in a captivating quest system that rewards teamwork amongst warriors with complementary skills
Explore and discover treasures among locales unique to the Xen Continent, such as mushroom huts and gingerbread houses!
Interact with and recruit fellow guildsmen, participate in celebrity and home decor contests!
Make fashion statements with endless customization options through smelting equipment, raising pets into mounts, and decorating culturally unique costumes!
Appeal to the divinity of love, through the ceremony of Fortress Battles - Massive Player vs Player combat events!