Age of Conan: Breast Enlargement Potions coming!

In the September edition of the Age of Conan Producers letter Craig ‘Silirrion’ Morrison, Game Director, explains the Veteran System that Funcom will be introducing shortly.
Text: In the September edition of the Age of Conan Producers letter Craig ‘Silirrion’ Morrison, Game Director, explains the Veteran System that Funcom will be introducing shortly.

Veteran Points and how you earn them
Players will be awarded new veteran points for each month that they have paid for (whether it is through subscription or game-cards). Each month that a player pays for will accrue a certain number of points, with the number of points awarded each month growing after each six-month period they have subscribed for. In addition there is a bonus amount awarded at each six month interval. These numbers are still subject to possible change over the next couple of weeks as the system gets put through it paces on the test server.
– Month 1 to 5 – 6 points awarded per month
– Month 6-11 – 8 points awarded per month
– Month 12-17 – 10 points awarded per month
– Month 18-23 – 12 points awarded per month
– etc…
Very interesting but it doesn’t really get juicy until we get to the items that can be purchased with these points:
Social Items
– Size potions – 2 points (potions that allow you to grow in size for a period)
– Arm Enlarging potion (potions that make your character a little more buff)
– Breast Enlarging potion (female only)
– Fireworks – 2 points each
– Companion: Casilda (will summon Casilda to cheer you on just like she did on the beach when you started your Hyborian adventure!)
– Pet: Hyena – (will summon a non combat Hyena pet).
Yes dear OnRPG reader, you read that correctly, Age of Conan will get Breast Enlargement Potions!
This could be an early (or late) April Fools joke but honestly they could be serious about this! Regardless, OnRPG would hereby like to congratulate Funcom for officially winning the internet!
Age of Conan latest update
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