SMITE Reveals Cthulu Skin in New Patch

ARTICLE Perhaps setting the standard for strangest skin addition yet, the God of Bees, Ah Muzen Cab, will now double as Cthulu with the newest epic skin added to HiRez Studios third person MOBA, SMITE. This p...

Atari annouces early access for “Mininum”

ARTICLE It’s time for PC gamers to sharpen their tools and ready their trigger fingers as Atari, one of the world’s most recognized publishers and producers of interactive entertainment, today opens t...

Minimum Announcement Trailer

NEWS Minimum is set to push voxel and shooter elements into the next generation with active upgrading combat in an online multiplayer battle arena shooter setting.

League of Angels: New Features for May

ARTICLE New features for League of Angels in May bring players a new angel, a new mount, and a new costume! Players participating in the Cross-server Team Tournament and the Resource Tycoon Event may work tow...

WildStar Raids DevSpeak

NEWS Frost breaks down the most frantic mode on the menu in WildStar, epic Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaidz.