League of Angels: New Features for May


New features for League of Angels in May bring players a new angel, a new mount, and a new costume! Players participating in the Cross-server Team Tournament and the Resource Tycoon Event may work towards acquiring these exciting new additions.

The new angel Alecta is the spirit of divine retribution against wrath, greed, laziness, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony. Players can work together with Alecta to rid the world of the deadly sins! To prove their worth and gain Alecta’s trust, players must first show their might in the Cross-Server Team Tournament. Alecta’s skill, Holy Rage, deals an astonishing amount of magic damage equal to all enemies that lay before her.

Floe Hunter, the precious white tiger, is the holy beast of the northern continent. Players can obtain this stunning but ferocious mount by participating in the Single-server Resource Tycoon event. Floe Hunter’s skill, Song of Faith, gives an incredible 20% chance to increase player attack by 10% and allows players to quickly tear up their opposition!

The new Gold Organza costumes go to show it’s never out of date to wear Gold! These costumes are available to players who compete in the Cross-Server Resource Tycoon event. These exquisite costumes offer players insane bonuses to HP, attack, defense, and agility!

For more info, visit http://angel.gtarcade.com

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