Battle Battalions is a F2P tactical PC game developed by Petroglyph Games. Formerly known as Victory Command, players can team up with four other commanders and battle against five enemy in fast-paced, tactical combat.
Power your battalions: Customize and command your personalized Battalion with lethal military units ranging from stealthy Snipers to hard-hitting Juggernaut tanks.
Real-time combat: Engage in fast-paced, real-time action by deploying ability-boosting air drones, swiveling your tanks’ turrets to blast an enemy’s weak side
Enhance and Advance: Gain valuable experience and credit with each battle, allowing you to purchase powerful enhancements, personal customizations and perks unique to your Battalion.
Ease of Play: Play with controls that are intuitive to keep the action flowing, and many visual elements in the interface offer helpful mouse-over tooltips.