In mid-December, Hasbro & Jagex decided to make the bittersweet announcement that they were shutting down Transformers Universe, their Transformers-themed MOBA. The game will close fully on Januar...
To celebrate Transformers Universe’s presence at EGX 2014, Jagex are delighted to introduce Pandemic and Outsider to the ever growing barracks of warriors. Both are now available in the game’s liv...
Jagex has confirmed today that both Wheeljack and Knock Out, known to fans worldwide as characters from the Transformers TV series, will appear as playable warriors within TRANSFORMERS UNIVERSE. Prema...
Jagex has confirmed the arrival of fan favorite Autobot Macro into its third-person MOBA game, TRANSFORMERS UNIVERSE. Macro is joined by his Decepticon peer, Firebreaker, and together these two polari...
This past weekend, Jagex polled its Transformers Universe players on their opinion of the death and repair mechanic in the game, stating concerns about players dropping from matches instead of switchi...