Are You an MMO-FO Challenge! (TERA)

OnRPG is working with En Masse to find out who our biggest MMO-FOs are at OnRPG! The ultimate winner will walk away with a Physical Collector’s Edition of TERA NA!



Being an MMO-FO isn’t just a title, it’s a way of looking at life and gaming in general. You have to understand that when you log into game,  you’re not just going to mindlessly tab click on some non-threatening monsters and collect your loot and exp at the end of the day. No this is about getting pumped up each night to get off work, log in, and take on grueling competition from not just the PvE but from your fellow players as well. TERA represents a pinnacle in current online gaming technology in which players control each roll, dodge, and active swing/shot of their weapon. Big Ass Monsters lurk around every corner, and your rival factions will stop at nothing to see your political aspirations burned to the ground, along with your charred corpse.



Do you have the mindset to rise as a master among lesser MMO-FOs? Visit OnRPG forums and tell us why. We’re accepting statements, images, memes, video, and any other creative way you have to express yourself. However the TERA test is rolling on and we want to have a winner by March 4th so contest entries must be turned in by March 2nd at 11:59pm! 10 runners-up will also receive MMO-FO t-shirts (we have large and extra large available) so at least you can look the part of a true MMO-FO.



Also know that we are promoting the North American copy of TERA so only shipping addresses in the US, Canada, and Mexico are valid for contest winners. So what are you waiting for? Send us your best shot and the OnRPG writing team will choose the winners next weekend!


Remember entries will only be considered if posted in a reply to THIS THREAD. Need some further motivation? Get yourself educated courtesy of Bas Rutten, En Masse’s resident Bad Ass Monster.

This event has expired.