Craft of Gods Coin Give-Away

OnRPG is working with Kalicanthus to give away coins for Craft of Gods.

Craft of Gods is a 3D fantasy MMORPG based on Slavic mythology and is the ‘MMORPG of free choices’: you are free to choose how to build your character with its unique class-free system, how you want to play and even if you want to pay or not.

Craft of Gods is the only MMORPG that lets the player choose between a pay-to-play (P2P) server and a free-to-play (F2P) server. In order to play on the P2P server you’ll have to pay a monthly subscription fee of 8,90 Euro. If you do not want to pay a monthly subscription, you can choose the F2P server: you can play for free, the game is the same as on the P2P server and some of the features and items are only available through premium money (called Kun) that can be spent in the in-game item shop.

To get your key you have to follow these instructions:

  • If you are not yet a member of OnRPG please sign up here.
  • Make sure you use a VALID EMAIL ADDRESS or you may not get your key.
  • Enter your OnRPG username and password below to get your key.
  • The key will appear at the bottom of the page. Copy & paste it to a safe place otherwise you may not be able to retrieve it!

To use your Craft of Gods key:

  • Go to and click on “Register” in the right menu
  • Insert your data and wait for the registration mail
  • Click on “Activate” into the registration mail body
  • Set your game and forum passwords and then click “Send”
  • Now you have two different options:

Option 1 – You want to play on the Free to Play server and you want to get 3 Kun

  • Before continuing the registration process download the Craft of Gods Client right here on OnRPG
  • Log into the game and create a character into “Akvilon (free to play) – Beta” server
  • When you are done, close the game client and return to your registration process page
  • Select “Free to play” into the server type and click on “Continue”
  • Insert your key and then your username and password and click on “Continue”
  • Select the character on which you want to activate the 3 Kun bonus and click on “Activate”
  • If the activation is successful you will receive a confirmation email

Option 2 – You want to play on the Pay to Play server and you want to get 14-day free trial

  • Select “Pay to play” into the server type and click on “Continue”
  • Insert you key and then your username and click on “Activate”
  • If the activation is successful you will receive a confirmation email
  • download the Craft of Gods Client right here on OnRPG
  • Now you can log into the game and play on “Akvilon (subscription based)” server for 14 days.


This event has expired.