
Onrpg is working with TQ Digital to give away 30 TQ point cards.

This event is only for Onrpg registered users. As the courtship feature is now available in Eudemons Online, players can now enjoy a more realistic dating life in the Eudemons world. Players will be able to fight side by side their eudemons and lovers; asking for a kiss, hanging out with your dear one and even ride on mounts together in this mythical world!

All the Onrpg registered users who register for Eudemons Online will have a chance to get a TQ Point Card (worth USD 15.99) which can be used in any TQ game to buy any item to enhance their power and also they can buy flowers for their objects of affection to express their love.

This event will last for 30 days. Onrpg will randomly pick out one user each day to give out a TQ point card. Therefore, Onrpg registered users are requested to send character name and server name to after registering on Eudemons Online.

To get your prize you have to follow these instructions:

To participate in the contest:

  • Register on Eudemons Online.
  • Send your character name and server name to
  • You can improve your chances to win by posting a nice article on the forum expressing their true feelings about dating in Eudemons Online.
  • When you post on the forum, be sure to mention your character name.

This event has expired.