Twelve Sky 2 Leveling Contest!

OnRPG has set up a fun event with Electro, Aeria Game’s product manager for Twelve Sky 2, to celebrate the release of their Summer of Blood event!



We’re giving away thousands of dollars worth of free prizes each week!


Prizes include:

2 Warlord Cape winners picked each week
5 total winners for the $100 in Aeria Points at the end of the event, August 22nd, 2011.



1. Onrpg members must signup and create a new Aeria Account here:

2. Download Twelve Sky 2 by Aeria Games here:

3. Level up to level 30 in game on your brand new account (exisiting accounts do not count)

4. Post here (in the onrpg forum post) the following information when you have completed the steps above:

-Aeria Account Name
-Server you leveled up on
-In game character name


Aeria will contact the winning players and OnRPG will announce them as updates in the OP of the forum post as the event continues through the summer!



This event has expired.