Age of WushuÂ’s NEW Multiplayer Battlefield

Age of Wushu’s NEW Multiplayer Battlefield




On April 10th, Age of Wushu is launching out of their last closed beta. The epic Free to Play MMO will be opening another new feature to the game, the Battlefield/Battle Arena. This is an exciting chance for some simple team based dueling for EXP and more. The PvP arena will be a great place to test your skills in a confined space, and improve your strategies for the more open and deadly world outside the arena.



There will be two modes that players can select to take part in. The first is the Power Competition, a point based mode that scores teams for the kills that they have made. The other is Death Mode a faster and more intense scenario that is simple, No respawns and No time limit. The last team standing at the end of Death Mode is the victor.



Another twist thrown into the Death Mode, are Secret Association Experts. During the battle a random player will be designated as a higher priority target for a team. Killing this player will result in a Buff for the team that kills him or her. Often times a team can focus too much on the SAE buff, that they will be leaving themselves open to attack from their opponents.
In addition to the two game types, there will be two arena locations to choose from. 12-person teams battle in the Ancient Tomb Sect, while the 24-person battle arena takes place in the Muyun Villa. Both arenas have the two modes mentioned before, but the environment is different adding new areas to leap across or run up and initiate combat.



The Battlefield will allow players more chances to earn EXP. And with the new Meridian system drawing heavily on Combat to cultivate, players can get more Chi to activate those new skill points and harness more strength from internal skills. Both Meridians and the Battlefield, go live with the Age of Wushu launch on April 10th.


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