Anime Expo 2012 OnRPG/MMOHuts Recap Part 1

Anime Expo 2012 OnRPG/MMOHuts Recap Part 1

By Darren Henderson (DizzyPW), OnRPG Editor-in-Chief



Hey everyone! This is DizzyPW and I just finished up our coverage of Anime Expo 2012 alongside MMOHut’s Kitty Mach and our chief programmer (and playboy cameraman) Bowen! Anime Expo turned 21 years old this year (It’s hard to believe people in Los Angeles even knew about Anime that long ago! VHS for the win!) I’ve been teasing a lot of you on the forum and now it’s finally time to take you on a pictorial tour of the show! And for those that are more into the fancy moving pictures, rest assured we have a ton of video content on the editing table being prepared!


We had just barely gotten through the door when we came upon this strapping gentleman


Now I think of myself as a bit of an Anime watcher. But there was a ton of outfits that I just don’t recognize this year. Once our forums come back up feel free to comment in our article section and name off the mystery characters! I might hook you up with some prizes.. you know if I feel like it.


After catching a few shots we finally worked our way to the front of the line.. and no one looked happy to see us going in early.


In case you’re wondering…


We found Waldo


Excuse my awkward fusion pose. Thankfully…


Our E3 Goku Cosplayer showed up in the nick of time to show us how it’s done


We met up with the Game Samba group who told us about some upcoming changes to Remnant Knight. But more importantly they informed me of a new useless invention to come out of Japan…


Cat Ears that move in reaction to your subtle facial expression. No joke this is real. You’ll see for yourself in the videos we have on the way!


If you’ve never attended Anime Expo, just know the weirdest items ever are on sale and yes people buy them.


Next stop? The artist corner to meet one of my favorite commissioners, Alijca Chrena, and her fiancee.


Turns out the artist behind one of my favorite Ahri pictures.. is actually Dynasty Ahri. Who knew? After my ultimate geek out moment it was time to head to NGMoco’s booth to check out some new Ipad events. But Anime Expo tends to be ADD central as we stopped quite a few times on the way.


Our chief programmer Bowen and I got pulled in by the allure of the 18+ deviant cosplay group. Definitely a site I recommend!



Soul Eater fans still representing!


With some costumes.. masks are required


You Just can’t host a geeky convention like this and expect League of Legends fans to not show up! As usual about 2 hours after the doors opened, the cute girls started showing up.


Our next mystery character has arrived. Name that cosplayer!


Bowen is such a playa. Check back soon as we’re preparing part 2 of our Anime Expo Recap with a ton more cosplayers and games to show plus our reveal of Kitty Mach’s Tifa outfit!


Kitty Mach Bonus Pics!



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