Combat Arms Celebrates Six Years of Shooter Mayhem

Combat Arms

Nexon Europe is pleased to announce that the hugely successful multiplayer shooter Combat Arms will be celebrating its sixth anniversary during the month of January.

The last six years has seen over 7.6 million players take part in the online shoot-fest, with thousands logging on every day – which equates to more than 2.5 billion precision headshots and 15.6 million monthly nutshots made in Europe.

To commemorate the anniversary, a number of in-game events will be taking place throughout the month, in which players will have the opportunity to get their hands on a number of exciting items and exclusive prizes.

The full anniversary calendar is as follows:

Daily Roll Call Event (7th – 28th January)
Throughout the month of January, players can earn themselves a full set of anniversary gear by logging into the game on a daily basis, thereby participating in the Roll Call Event.

The prizes for logging in every day of the event are as follows:

14.01.2015 – 20.01.2015: 6th Anniversary Backpack (permanent)
21.01.2015 – 28.01.2015: 6th Anniversary Bandana (permanent)

Players who participate for the first three days will earn themselves an S1 Suppressor and bonus EXP Passes, while players who log in for ten or more consecutive days will permanently receive both prizes plus an additional 6th Anniversary item.

6th Anniversary EXP / GP Event
All players will receive a substantial EXP boost when playing on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday throughout the month. Playing from 11:00 to 14:00 CET will give a 200% EXP and a 100% GP bonus. While, playing from 17:00 to 20:00 CET will give a 300% EXP and 150% GP bonus.

Enhanced Free Rotation
Moreover, players will find eight great weapons entirely free: giving a greater variety of firepower to all combatants on the battlefield.

For more info, visit

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