Crowfall: July 2015 Founder’s Update

Crowfall: July 2015 Founder's Update news header

The co-founders of ArtCraft Entertainment – developers of Crowfall – have released their July 2015 community update newsletter.

The update is mostly focused on the business side of Crowfall, looking at the current state of raising money for the project. ACE is looking to go to AngelList soon to raise additional capital to help raise the last money it needs to reach its $1 million goal. The team is also setting its next stretch goal to raise funding to support their video producer to become a full-time assistant.

ACE is also in discussions to expand their market overseas already for Crowfall, and is looking to have a discussion in the community about the Rules of Conduct. You can read more in the full State of the Nation post.

Two new videos were also released – a greybox fly-through and an interview with their senior concept artist.

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