Fairytale Distillery received word from Valve that their PvP-focussed Sandbox MMORPG, ‘Das Tal’, has received the support it needed from the Steam community to be Greenlit (over 4,500 positive votes). The independent developer spent three months on their Greenlight campaign and just got greenlighted when they seem to have hit the Top-100.
With Greenlight a massive success, the team also just announced the options they now offer for supporting Das Tal’s ongoing development financially. There are four different supporter packages available for purchase – some of which allow instant access to the pre-alpha game. The packs range from about 30 to 200 dollars and come with various different entitlements, such as access to private developer forums, credit bragging rights and full access to the latest version of the game (even on the core development server).
“We are very aware of how hesitant a lot of people are these days with purchasing early access games, so we have done our best to create these packages in an honest way, even down to the name. The money we receive is, as suggested by the name, to support the continued development of Das Tal. We have put together unique perks that we see as being great value, and we hope people agree. The packs are not only there to fund the game – they also allow our most dedicated fans to influence the game’s development directly.”
Harbinger Package:
Delivers a ton of extra trial keys, the closest possible contact with the development team, instant access to all dev servers and builds, and the ability to reserve multiple character names and a clan name. This package is intended for clan leaders and diehard fans.
Vanguard Package:
Brings instant access to the game on the staging server, five trial keys to bring along some friends and close contact with devs and character name reservations. This package offers the best value for personal use.
Seeker Package:
Closed alpha access, a reserved character name, access to priority forums and other extras like concept art. This is a package for those who don’t need the whole shibang but are still interested in some extras and being quite involved in the development.
Nomad Package:
This package has some smaller perks such as concept art pack, access to alpha test weekends and a forum title and avatar. It is the cheaper of the options for gamers on a budget or who want to start playing when the game is ready for them.
Remember that you can always apply to Alpha test Das Tal for the chance to check out the game’s current state before committing to support the project. The package details listed here are also summarized, so make sure you check out the store page itself before making your mind up!
For more info, visit http://www.das-tal-game.com/