Grand Chase Announces Season 5: Rebirth

Grand Chase Announces Season 5: Rebirth


SG Interactive today announced the launch of Grand Chase: Rebirth, the fifth season for the company’s popular anime-inspired brawler MMO. The first of several major content updates stretching to the end of the year, Grand Chase: Rebirth debuts three newly revamped and highly-detailed character models, introducing a fourth skill for each character job and a streamlined user interface to ease in creating of a new Knight, item selection and dungeon searches.



Gamers entering the game will see the first steps of Grand Chase’s epic transformation, starting with fan-favorite character Elesis, Lire and Arme. Grand Chase players will be greeted with a more detailed and refined look for the three playable characters, thanks to an increased pixel-count, and all-new facial expressions, injecting even more personality to these anime-inspired characters. For long-time gamer and players working towards endgame, a new fourth skill is also available for Elesis, Lire and Arme. Additionally, the in-game hybrid attack pool/mana pool play made popular by Asin’s fighting mechanic is now available for all of Grand Chase’s playable characters.



“For the last four years, our players have been very vocal on what they wanted to see in its coming update,” said Sunny Kim, producer of Grand Chase for SG Interactive. “With the launch of Rebirth, gamers can see advancements in three of the most popular characters, both visually and in gameplay.”



“While I can’t tell you about everything that’s coming with Grand Chase: Rebirth, I can say that these updates included at our launch are just the tip of the iceberg,” Kim added.



Along with the character updates, the Grand Chase team has gone through the entire new-player experience, vastly improving and streamlining the existing user and dungeon interface. The previous screen resolution has been increased to 1024×786, allowing for a richer palette and larger play area. Much of the new-character creation process has been optimized with graphical icons, allowing players to instantly identify the characters, gear and dungeons available to them, and what’s needed to unlock what’s not currently available. The updated dungeon interface assist players in finding the battles, and more importantly the gear they want, in order to level and be properly equipped for the challenges that lay ahead.

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