Grave – New open world survival horror game hits Kickstarter


The Kickstarter campaign for Grave, a new open world, procedural survival horror game being developed by Broken Window Studios, Inc. is now live. The game has a tentative release target of early 2015, and will feature a fusion between modern horror and classic survival horror gameplay elements.

Grave is a first person, open world survival horror experience. Survive the night with a arsenal of defensive tools, and explore an ever-changing world filled with frightening creatures. Grave is a hybrid of environmental exploration and combative horror, creating constant tension as the player balances exploration and survival. The goal is to reinvigorate classic survival horror with modern techniques. Players will be able to explore a surreal, lonely wasteland by day, and fight off hideous creatures after the sun sets. With each passing day, the world changes around the players, presenting not only new threats, but new locations to explore.

In Grave, darkness brings terror, but not hopelessness. The world of Grave is scattered with tools that can be used for protection. Ward off creatures with flashlights, gasoline fires, portable generators and more. Grave is about survival, so no tool is a strictly intended for offense. Multiple uses of tools allow players to decide how best to survive the night.

The project is looking to raise $30,000 by Sun, Apr 27 2014 10:00 PM PDT

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