Grepolis Prepares for Oktoberfest Celebrations

Grepolis Prepares for Oktoberfest Celebrations



InnoGames hast just brought the biggest worldwide festival to Ancient Greece – starting now, Grepolis celebrates Oktoberfest. In keeping with this tradition, players must ensure that there is constantly enough beer for their city inhabitants. To do this, one must gather hops and collect mugs. While mugs can be found floating in the Aegean Sea, players have to demand hops from farm villages on their island.



Devoted brewers will be rewarded with valuable incentives, such as additional resources, improved spells and fighting points. The best ones can even earn 200 gold points, and an additional culture point – which is crucial to expanding empires. These bonuses, however, are only given to those who produce at least 4,000 liters of beer. The event ends on October 1 .

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