HolyBeast Online Launched!

CyberStep Communications, Inc.  is pleased to announce the starting of our Official Service of Free-to-Play MMORPG “HolyBeast ONLINE” as its second title, after the first title SplashFighters.
We are so pleased to deliver this news to all who has waited for a long time for HolyBeast ONLINE Official Service. “HolyBeast ONLINE” is MMORPG that you switch back and forth from cute animal form into a human form at will and aim to be a “hero” with other players. You will find versatile contents which include various skills, community function, monsters and pets. To celebrate this well day, we are going to hold “Item Mall Discount Campaign” from the start of Item Mall to the end of June. Additionally we are planning for more events, thus we would like all players to check further information at getamped.com.
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