King of Kings III Hosts “Goodbye Tournament”

King of Kings III

The developer of Kings of Kings III decided to close the servers on the 31st of March 2015. But before they sing the blues, they will do a last celebration with a Goodbye Tourmament and 100 % additional cashbonus.

  • 1st prize – 300 EUR Gamigo cash
  • 2nd prize – 200 EUR Gamigo cash
  • 3rd prize – 100 EUR Gamigo cash

But also, the 4th to 50th prizes will get a surprise: Terrified animals have scattered far and wide across the lands of Tangramia. Your quest is to track down the animals so they can be returned to the zoo. If players can see any of the missing animals, contact zoo officials immediately, or better yet, send in a monster card as proof. The more monster cards players send in, the more points you get.

Bonus points: Everyday you can win 50 extra points. How? Here you can find the answer.

The player with most points wins the tournament. Good luck.

For more info, visit

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