Masthead Studios Announces Delay for upcoming MMORPG Earthrise Release

Masthead Studios Announces Delay for upcoming MMORPG Earthrise Release

Earlier this week, in the form of a creative and elaborate stunt that claimed the Earthrise development team was viciously destroyed by a Jaberwokie, Masthead Studios announced that the release of their upcoming MMORPG Earthrise has been pushed back from their original projection of Q2 2010. In addition to this news, the new estimation date for game release is scheduled for the fall of 2010.
The Masthead development team has been working diligently to produce a unique and entertaining game for MMO players, and in an effort to reduce the amount of issues that typically plague a new game as soon as it hits the market, the team has decided to spend some extra time perfecting performance and weaving a tapestry of lore that is sure to enthrall and entrance even the most novice of MMO players.
Select beta applicants should keep an eye out for the release of beta keys in the near future, and everyone should look forward to the appearance of the delayed, yet highly anticipated combat video!
Very exciting things are to come, so stay tuned!

Earthrise Release Masthead Studios

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