Mission Against Terror Brings Robots for Xmas

Mission Against Terror Brings Robots for Xmas


New AI Mode Coming to Popular Free-to-Play Shooter Dec. 23rd


Mission Against Terror the free-to-play shooter from Wicked Interactive, knows how to keep it interesting. On the heels of last month’s massive Terminator Mode update, M.A.T. brings  AI Mode–the newest and most challenging level of the supernaturally-charged title coming to a computer near you, December 23rd, just in time for Christmas.


“Gamers love this game because we never let them get bored,” said Sam Ho, Director, Wicked Interactive, publishers of Mission Against Terror. “Gamers know that when they download and register this game, they are entering into a relationship with us, the game creators, in which we work tirelessly to make sure that new gameplay elements are added all the time, along with tweaks and other suggestions that come directly from the mighty M.A.T. community.”


Build Weapons from Destroyed Robots: Oh Yeah!

With the arrival of AI Mode, players will find the first two stages (of three) available right from the get-go.  AI Mode pits 8 players against a slew of AI-controlled robots in a war for survival. With 4 difficulty settings to choose from and 4 scenarios to play out, even the most seasoned of veterans will find a worthy challenge.


AI Mode features a reward system for completing the various stages in certain difficulties as well as a robot-based weapon-creation system. That’s right: Gamers can use the parts from destroyed robots with a Weapon Casting Machine to create all sorts of neat, new weapons. In higher difficulties, players will have a greater chance of finding robot parts from slain robots and even parts from the fearsome Robot Captain himself.


Set in a near-future not so different from our own time, M.A.T. pits teams against one another in a bitter battle for the survival of the human race. Unanimously hailed for its solid gameplay and wide variety of game modes, M.A.T. has taken North America by storm, after becoming quite popular in Asia and other parts of the world.


For more information on Mission Against Terror, visit the M.A.T. site!

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