Mordheim: City of the Damned enters Early Access Phase 4


Rogue Factor’s turned based tactical RPG adaptation of Games Workshop’s tabletop game, is receiving another content update for its Early Access.

While featuring new content, today’s update also notably switches engine from Unity 4 to Unity 5 bringing improvements to the game’s lighting, shadows, and post-processing effects.

Three new skirmish maps are available – one procedurally generated map, and two unique locations: the Bridge, and the Library. These new maps emphasize verticality, with plenty of opportunities for both ambushes and sniper nests.

Today’s update also brings max-level warbands for all 4 currently available races. With these, you’ll get a taste of how powerful your own warband will be when experience gain and levelling will be made available in one of the future updates. You’ll also get to try dozens of new spells and skills to bring havoc on the battlefield!

More features will be added in the future, such as customisation, consumable items, and Warband levelling. For more info, visit

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