Nostale’s latest in-game ingame event: Unholy Alliance

Servex is proud to announce their latest in-game event for Nostale Global!
Unlike most in-game events, this one will be taking place over the entire month of October. Each week will reveal a bit more of the storyline that is going on until the epic battle that will conclude the event. The name of the event is called “Unholy Alliance”, and the details of each phase can be read below.

Chapter 1 – Unusual things are happening in the wilderness as of late.
Demons have started appearing in the mines where only simple kovolt miners are supposed to be. Players will have to clean up this gathering of demons in the mines and look for clues as to why this is happening.
Event – Boss monster summoning event
Date – October 4th. 6.00 am to 8.00 am & 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm

Chapter 2 – Players will trek into the forest lands to look for clues and find any new camps have been put up by the devils.
Event – Boss monster summoning event
Date – October 11th 6.00 am to 8.00 am & 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm

Chapter 3 – The clues are coming together and the demons’ plan is clear to us. They are preparing to strike at the mining sections to disrupt the economy. They have had a big headstart and we need to prepare for war.
Players have to be reach level 30 to be able to fight the monsters.
Event – Double EXP
Date – October 18th & 19th. 6.00 am to 8.00 am and 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm each day

Chapter 4 – Final battle with the monsters outside the western mines. The danger is over for now but it lingers on. Peace is brought to the village, if only for a short while. Everybody celebrates!
Event – Boss monster summoning event followed by a Dance Party.
Date – October 26th Time 12.00 noon onwards. Approx 60 mins.

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