OnRPG Shotgun News 4/2: Camelot Unchained, The War Z, and Defiance

OnRPG Shotgun News 4/2: Camelot Unchained, The War Z, and Defiance

By Shannon Doyle (Leliah), OnRPG Elder Scribe



Camelot Unchained Kickstarter Reaches $200,000 in Half an Hour

The Camelot Unchained Kickstarter campaign was launched earlier today. And it didn’t even take a half an hour for them to reach the $200,000 mark! With nearly 900 people already backing the project. No one has taken them up on the $10,000 reward tier level yet but two have gone for the next highest, $5,000. To get a more up to date look or make a pledge yourself check out the Kickstarter campaign. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/13861848/camelot-unchained



The War Z Issues Security Alert

The standard forums for The War Z have been replaced temporarily by a security alert. Players are being advised to change their passwords after their game databases which has player data in it were compromised. No payment information was obtained during the hack but email addresses and passwords were accessed.



Trion Worlds Launches Defiance

The cross media shooter made in a partnership between Trion Worlds and SyFy Channel has gone live on the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360. Standard editions retail at $60. While two other editions cost $100 and $150. The TV show will premiere on SyFy on April 15th.

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