OnRPG Shotgun News 7/9: Ragnarok Online, The Secret World, and League of Legends

OnRPG Shotgun News 7/9: Ragnarok Online, The Secret World, and League of Legends

By Shannon Doyle (Leliah), OnRPG Journalist



Ragnarok Renewal Goes Live


Gravity Europe has released the latest generation of smash hit Ragnarok Online called Ragnarok Renewal. There are 13 all new classes and players can now reach level 150. It is available now via the Gravity Gateway which is Gravity Europe’s new online gaming portal.


The Secret World Chronicle

Today Funcom officially announced the beta of character record keeper and leaderboard, Chronicle. Player stats are updated once a day. There are many features planned for Chronicle and players are being asked to leave feedback on how it can be improved.



League of Legends Launches 100th Champion



It’s been a long wait but the 100th champion is now live along with a huge balance changes across tons of different champions! Jayce brings a unique skill set akin to Nidalee in which he sacrifices an ultimate in exchange for the ability to completely change his playstyle from ranged AD to AD Melee Bruiser at the drop of a hat. Be sure to keep an eye out on the full review from Hhean in the coming week!

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