OnRPG Shotgun News 9/10: RF Online, TSW, Gunbound, and Rakion

OnRPG Shotgun News 9/10: RF Online, TSW, Gunbound, and Rakion

By Shannon Doyle (Leliah), OnRPG Journalist




RF Online Launches on GamesCampus

GamesCampus has officially announced that they have taken over service of RF Online and relaunched it. To celebrate the occasion RF Online is hosting a Race to Level event. Winners will receive all sorts of prizes during the event.



The Secret World Delays Issue 2

Funcom has announced that Issue 2, Digging Deeper would be delayed for one day. This is to insure that the paint has had time to dry and that everything is tested one last time before launch. Expect to see Digging Deeper on Wednesday September 12th now.



Gunbound Marks 10th Anniversary

Gunbound is celebrating it’s 10th anniversary with a third season. With over 300,000 players it is one of the longest lived casual MMOs. A new server called “Team Battle” is also due to be opened.



Rakion Update Coming This Month

Throughout September Rakion will be updating. Along with the new armor, cells and rings there is a new, free costume available on Twitter and Facebook. And if you don’t have a Basilisk now is your chance to try for one with a Unique Creature Bag in the shop. There will also be big changes to the UI which will be announced on the website.

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