OnRPG Shotgun News 9/26: The Secret World, Runescape, and RIFT

OnRPG Shotgun News 9/26: The Secret World, Runescape, and RIFT

By Shannon Doyle (Leliah), OnRPG Journalist



The Secret World Issue 3 Released

Just a week after the release of Issue 2 The Secret World has released Issue 3: The Cat God. With it are two new missions, new Lair missions, and the first seasonal event for Halloween which will be released later on in the month. Along with the new content comes a list of quality of life changes and new store items which include a pet wearing a jet pack.



Runescape Kills Boting and Cheaters

New software has been introduced to Runescape that finds botters and anyone cheating. The new system is called Botany Bay and will give players caught cheating two warnings and if they are caught a third time they will be sent to Botany Bay where players will be able to vote on how the guilty character will be destroyed which includes being stomped on by a dragon. Players who take part in the trial and sentencing will be given an in game cosmetic item.



RIFT Supports Pandas

This week for every purchase of RIFT Storm Legion made on the Storm Legion website Trion will donate $1 to Pandas International, an organization dedicated to helping giant pandas. This time around the small text is well worth reading, for a bit of a giggle. http://www.riftgame.com/en/news/articles/09242012_save_a_panda.php

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