PWI Announces Expansion ‘Rising Tides’

‘Rising Tides’ Will Unveil New Race, Classes, Systems and More
for Perfect World International
Perfect World Entertainment is preparing to unveil its third and largest expansion, ‘Rising Tide,’ for its flagship MMORPG title Perfect World International in December 2009. This expansion focuses on the appearance of the Tideborn—an aquatic race that has resided under the safety of the sea for the previous millennia. Players will be tasked with unraveling the mystery of their sudden appearance while taking in numerous new sights and sounds in the game.
‘Rising Tide’ will introduce a range of new and updated features including:
– A New race – “Tideborn”
– Two new classes – the stealth “Assassin” and magic and buff enabled “Psychic” 
– New Quests – more than 200 new adventures to complete
– Additional territories for factions to conquer
– Cooperative questing – A new public quest system
– Additional areas to explore – new dungeons with more than 100 new monsters
– More customization – new, upgraded gear and equipment
– New “Recasting” equipment system
– Daily Quests added just for Married Players
– New Fashion Slot—for the hair/hat option
– Newly implemented shared stash system for player accounts
“Perfect World International” is the English-based, international version of Perfect World II with millions of players worldwide. “Perfect World International” offers an immersive online world and currently offers three unique races and six different classes, as well as one of the most extensive character creation interfaces to date.
To learn more about the ‘Rising Tide’ expansion, please visit the official website!

Rising Tide Expansion

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