Royal Quest Now Available


Today, Perfect World Entertainment Inc., a leading publisher of widely-acclaimed free-to-play MMORPGs, announced the availability of Royal Quest on Arc – the platform for publishing and accessing high-quality, free online games. Developed by Katauri Interactive, Royal Quest’s fantastical style and expansive gameplay are available now with a free Greennoise pet, Necrok mount and Adventure Lust character decoration until May 20, 2015.

Royal Quest offers players the chance to seize their destiny in a battle against the deadly Black Alchemists. Those courageous souls who answer the King’s call for aid will be immersed in a massively-multiplayer online role-playing game brimming with chances for loot, glory, and adventure. Arc players may wield elemental powers to combat the Black Alchemists, exploiting enemy weaknesses with strategic use of weapons and skills. Royal Quest incorporates both group and solo quests to gives all players a diverse offering of content from adversarial to cooperative.

More information for Royal Quest can be found here:

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