Sci-Fi RTS Shallow Space: Insurgency Indiegogo Campaign Goes Interstellar

Shallow Space WP

Indie micro studio Special Circumstance Games, today announced that the indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for its epic 3D space adventure real-time strategy game Shallow Space: Insurgency has now begun. The 32 day  campaign began on April 4th, with the team looking to raise a minimum of $85,000 to help make Shallow Space: Insurgency a reality. Visit the Shallow Space: Insurgency indiegogo campaign here.


Supporters of the project can get involved by pledging as little as $1. Multiple perks are available for backers, including a 3D printed ship model, or even the opportunity to help with the design of an in-game ship model. The Indiegogo campaign will allow Special Circumstance Games to take their impressive tech demo to a much more fully-featured game. For a taste of what Shallow Space: Insurgency is about, the demo is available to download now.

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